
Friday, December 12, 2014

Understanding The Various Types of Wounds

fulton county family services
Just about everyone experiences some sort of wound at one time or another. An understanding of the various wounds is helpful in determining treatment.

Types of Wounds
Medical professionals place wounds in four broad categories. These include the following: 
• Abrasions: Abrasions occur when the outer layer a person’s tissue is removed. Treatment for these wounds often doesn’t need surgery. Instead, a moist dressing and an antibiotic treatment might be used to protect the wound and encourage healing. 
• Avulsions: With avulsions, a portion of the tissue is torn off of the person. If the tissue is partially attached or if it’s viable for attachment, the medical professional might cleanse it and reattach it with stitches. If the tissue is no longer viable, the doctor might use skin graphs to repair the area. 

fulton county family services
• Contusions: Contusions might occur when someone receives a blow to an area of the body. In this case, there are no open wounds. But, a physician might check the person out to make sure there are no blood clots forming or other tissue wounds. 
• Lacerations: Like abrasions, lacerations are also torn tissue. But, lacerations go a bit deeper and tears through the skin. Also, while abrasions might occur when the skin rubs against something, lacerations result from blunt trauma to the skin. For example, a laceration might result when someone receives a stabbing with a knife or falls against broken glass.

Incisions are also wounds. While the others are often the result of an accident, incisions are surgical cuts that a medical professional makes on the skin.

When To Get Professional Care For a Wound?
fulton county family services
Sometimes wounds are deeper than an untrained medical person can see. So, if a wound is deep, bleeding profusely and continuously, or if it resulted from a serious accident, the person needs to go to a medical professional. Medical professionals are the best options for receiving appropriate care for these wounds.

A Word About Wound Pain
People often experience pain in wounded areas. The severity of the pain is often difficult for medical care professionals to assess for a variety of reasons. For example, wounds in different areas of the body cause varying degrees of pain, and people have different tolerance levels for pain. Also, a person’s psychological and emotional state might impact their perception of pain. For this reason, it’s crucial that patients give Fulton County family services detailed information about their pain. They also need to provide the events surrounding the occurrence of the pain. 

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