There are many families that struggle with paying their bills. From paying for groceries to keeping the lights on, it can at times be overwhelming when the money going out is more than what is coming in. Fortunately, financial assistance is available. When a person is in need of support, it's imperative to take advantage of Fulton County family services.
Food assistance
Food assistance
There are many family services that can help a person put food on the table. Some people receive debit cards with so much money on them, and these funds can be used at most grocery and gas stores to purchase food and beverages. Local food pantries give away food for free, however, there is usually a limit as to how much a food a person can take each week.
Heating assistance
Heating assistance
During the colder months of the year, it's pertinent that a person have a warm home or apartment. No matter the heating being used -- gas or electric -- heating expenses tend to be quite high, especially during the months when it gets really cold. On the upside, heating services are available, which provide qualifying participants with funds to apply toward their heating bill.
Transportation assistance
Transportation assistance
Many times, family services will come in the form of transportation assistance. From free public transportation to helping a person purchase a car or pay for insurance, this assistance is of the utmost value. It helps ensure that a person will have a way to travel back and forth to work as well as take family members to doctor visits.
Health care assistance
Health care assistance
Going to the doctor on a regular basis is very important. Paying for these visits can easily cost several thousand dollars, and possibly even more if some type of surgery has to be performed. Fortunately, with health care assistance, the cost of going to the doctor is extremely reduced. In fact, for some, the expenses are completely eliminated.
Therapy and counseling assistance
Therapy and counseling assistance
Local community services often come at the hands of highly-trained counselors and therapists. These services are advantageous to people who are in need of addiction counseling, anger management, and other types of specialized therapy.
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